Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Trip to Cherryville

On last Friday I made a trip to Cherryville. I met Sid Stroupe at Linda Ballard’s home. We sat and talked “Stroup” for a bit, then left for a couple of adventures. We had previously found out there was a stained glass window in the Concord Methodist Church, which was dedicated to Moses Stroup. Sid had met Bill Stroupe online and he lived near by and he had a key to the church. We all met up at the church and after a brief chat we went inside. I was really surprised to discover the window was dedicated to Moses Stroup 1802, I had thought it was dedicated to his son Moses Jr. I took photos of all the stained glass windows because some of the names sounded familiar. Well I did the right thing because this morning I discovered one of the windows was dedicated to Barbara Jane Stroup and her husband Caleb Mauney. Barbara Jane Stroup is the daughter of Moses Stroup Sr. It appears our family has a rich history at the Concord Methodist Church. More to come tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Mike .. .thanks a million for posting. Just thought i'd 'throw-in' that Concord Methodist Church was build around 1911, if I recall correctly and that even today, nearly 100 years later, the Stroups of "Tryon School Area", including Polly Hudson Stroupe, attend services and are very active members of the Church.
