Thursday, August 11, 2011

2011 Stroup Reunion

Here are some of my thoughts on the 2011 Stroup Reunion.

First from the bottom of my heart I want to thank all those that attended. For those that didn’t next year please make plans to attend on the first Sunday in August. It was a fantastic reunion with a very large crowd. But I still have the same feeling I have always had. It was way too short!!! There were a lot of new faces and quite a few brought family photos. Of course I was excited about that. I got quite a few new photos but missed a lot of them. I’m hoping to make contact with them via email so we can get copies.

My reunion started on Friday as my sister and I went to Cherryville and met up with Sid and Linda Ballard. We spent a lot of time in Mt Zion Cemetery. I was looking for some old Dellinger markers. We did go to a couple of other cemeteries. It was cooler and overcast so it was a nice day for me.

On Saturday our branch (Daniel Stroup) met at the Cherryville Museum at 10AM. We had a larger turnout this year. We spent a couple of hours at the museum, mainly chatting and going over old times and family history. We then went to Mt Zion Cemetery. This day was sunny and hot so it started taking its toll on me. From Mt Zion we went to the City Cemetery it was now getting close to 3 pm but my tank was getting close to empty. This crowd planned to meet for supper at Fatz in Lincolnton but I was exhausted from the sun and heat. My sister (Jane) and I headed to my home in Rock Hill. I had intended to attend the supper so I tried to pace myself and even took extra meds but it wasn’t meant to be.

Now for the BIG DAY. We of course started the day with our local cemetery tour. Sid had made us some nice fliers with photos so it made everything a lot easier. This was the largest group yet for this tour. This is also an excellent way to get more time with Sid, Linda and me. Again this was a sunny, hot day so I skipped out on the Ballard Rd Cemetery in an effort to conserve my energy. Back at the center we covered Stroup business and elected new officers. As soon as Sid feels better he will post details or send them to me. We then ate lunch and I don’t have to tell you how great it was. The line was over half way around the center. It was a sight to behold, as the Stroups know how to cook. We even had Bridges BBQ slaw. During all this I was visiting with as many people as possible.

A couple personal thoughts. Sid posted his flow charts and as always they were a big hit!! I want to thank my cousin Lewis Burton who loaned me 5 family photo albums so I could get some of my families photos. Last but not least I was tickled right out of my sneakers that Howell Stroup’s children attended this year. A lot of you may not know this but Howell was a very devoted Stroup researcher for most of his life. He would attend Stroup, Dellinger and Howell family reunions far and wide. I’m sure there were others he attended, as he was a devoted family man. The city of Cherryville will forever be indebted to Howell Stroup for all he did for that small town. Cherryville was his second love. Without Howell there never would have been a museum.

Now I’m sure there will be more to post as I hear from Sid and Linda. The photos are from Linda Ballard. Next year lets have to expand to the parking lot!!!!
Your cousin,
Mike Stroupe

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