Thursday, November 17, 2011

Alexis Reunion Cemetery Tour

This took place about 10am Sunday morning in the parking lot of the center where the Alexis Reunion was held. We all gather and take a tour of the local cemeteries. Two of the cemeteries are in the woods and are hard to find. We all have fun and it gives us a couple of extra hours to share our tales and stories. I will post a few photos of the cemeteries next.


Mississippi Photo Correction

After much discussion with Rayne, we decided this is the correct identification of this family. Sorry for the errors.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

More Mississippi Stroups

These photos were provided by Rayne Hamby, Ruby Stroupe and Dr. Reiley Kidd. If you have photos you want posted just drop me an email, I would love to post them.


Friday, November 11, 2011

Thursday, November 10, 2011

More Reunion Photos

These were taken at Mount Zion and City Cemetery in Cherryville on Sat before the big reunion on Sun. We always have a great time on the Sat get together. It gives everyone a chance to spend some quality time together.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Mississippi Stroups Photo

Here is a photo I got yesterday from Dr. Reiley Kidd. These Stroups descend from Ephriam Stroup and Nancy Elizabeth Queen of Alexis Area. They moved from NC to Mississippi about 1851.
Mike Stroupe

Sunday, November 6, 2011

2011 Reunion Photos

On Sat. before the big reunion on Sun. in Alexis a bunch of us Cherryville Stroups meet in Cherryville at the museum. We spend a couple of hours there then visit some of the local cemeteries. Here are some photos from the museum. My cousin George Rhyne took these. Linda Ballard promised to send me hers. I will post the cemetery photos later.
