Thursday, July 21, 2011

Texas Stroup Reunion

The Texas Stroup Reunion is August 7 at Blue Ridge Tx in the Community Center..
Located west side of the square --Just south of the Play Ground...
Starts @ 11:00 am ----Eat at High Noon
Hope to see U there.
Blue Ridge is located about 10 miles north of Farmersville, Tx
on Hiway 78..
From west on FM road 545

Monday, July 4, 2011


87th STROUP(E) FAMILY REUNION(4 July Update)

Whether you spell your surname “Stroup” or “Stroupe”, you’re most likely a descendent of Johann Jacob Straub (Stroup), settler of Lincoln County, circa 1770.

Our family will gather for the 87th Annual Stroup(e) Family Reunion on Sunday, August 7th in Alexis, Gaston County, North Carolina. The festivities will be held at the Alexis Baptist Church Family Life Center, starting at 12:30pm. As is tradition, we begin with a “pot luck lunch”, followed by a meeting, historical presentation and family fellowship. This year there will be a special presentation, commemorating the “Jacob Stroup Descendents and the US Civil War.”

In addition, on Saturday, August 6th at 10:00am, the descendents of Daniel and John Stroup, Jacob’s sons and early settlers of Cherryville, will gather at the Cherryville Historical Museum, located near the square on East Main Street. At this informal get-together, we’ll “meet and greet”, discuss the brother’s history and descendents, and tour some of the local cemeteries, burial sites for the “Cherryville/Tryon Stroups”.

For out-of-towners there is a group-rate special with the Comfort Inn, 1550 E. Main Street, Lincolnton, NC 28092. Call reservations at 704/732-0011.
For any questions, you can contact Sid Stroupe,